Tuesday, January 21, 2014

perhaps the last post for him. :)

salam alaik..

Alhamdulilah alhamdulilah alhamdulilah. Berakhir sudah segala exam pd semester 1 ni. Dah berusaha. Sekarang tgl berikhtiar dan bertawakal saja. Moga2 segala usaha berbaloi. Lulus dgn cemerlang hendaknya. Amiinn.

pelan cuti ni? xda pon. sedih la sbb kita cuti time org keja and skolah. so duduk rumah jd driver kepada si adik sengal je lah. tp nak buat mcm mne kan. msing2 sume ader tanggungjawab yg tersendiri. :D

ingin bercerita..

rasanya semalam cukup memalukan diri buat kali yg ke sejuta. dan mungkin yg terakhir? mungkin. hehe. it need courage u know. to confess to someone. but sure do, aq xde lah cakap word "aq suka kau". sgt klishe. i use my own word. And now I know that he know. And perhaps he will never be open to me any more. PERHAPS. but still. JODOH PERTEMUAN, AJAL DAN MAUT ITU RAHSIA ILLAHI. kalau ditolak. mungkin bukan dia jodoh yg terbaik. we need to give up on something to gain something in return. Once u become someone else then i have to give up. And always pray for your happiness. Insyaallah. HE knows best for HIS creation. so perhaps. this is the last post i wrote about u. and let time to make it's moves. half-year has gone. how time flies. i told u i'll wait until u graduate isn't it?



  1. Ada jodoh tak kemana. Kalau bukan dia mungkin dengan orang yang lebih baik dari dia. sabarlah sayang. :)

    1. kalau tiada jodoh. aq doa biarlah rasa ini hilang ditelan waktu. kan? thx aja syg :)


bebelan pembaca..:D