he had be my bestfriend. but now its only a history.
what would u guys said if the person that u gys like like someones else??
i would said that he not meant for me...
n we can still be friend..
but if one night u tell the person that u like him.
n the next day he told that "someone else" that he in love with her.
n wanna be her boyfriend...
what would u say???
she beautiful..
she very soft..
she everything a men want..
im ugly..
im not soft..
im aren't a men want to look for..
that happened to me and i feel that he one of the heartless kind.
will we still be friend?
will we still talk?
will we will study together?
will we??
n can i??
kumbang bukan seekor weh. biar laki tu yg syg kita. it doesnt matter if kte tak syg dia. okey? be strong darl :)