mood ceria telah kembali..
genap seminggu perasaan sedih n kecewe bercmpur baur..
no more tears..
as one of my friend said that " x gune kaw ngs sal mamat uh, kalaw aq jmpe mamat uh kat anjung nie aq da sumbat mullut dy ngn batu"..
enough is enough..
aq da puas menjlani kitaran org patah hati..
ngs-> demam panas -> seleseme n batuk..
genap seminggu kitaran tuh..
hey dear..
we have to be strong right..
we are who we are..
n we shouldn't change bcoz of someone..
allah is maha pengasih n maha penyayang..
setiap hambanya pasti dikurniakan pasangan..
mayB its not my time yet..
Allah knows better..
the day will come..
n i'll wait 4 that day..
that is my motivation 4 love..
i have myself back..
n i'm happy with it..
mohd hayyat musyahadat b. roslan thankz 4 all the concern..
nuri syahirah bt norhisham thankz 4 always been by my side even we far apart..
norhidayah mohd noor even we never meet. thankz too. :)
azizi, azwan, aimi, ain, totong..
thankz u guys 4 helping me
test week has come..
time to date with all those book..
scoring is must..
wish me luck..
this is some of my prayers most of the time n for this one week..
" ya Allah. kaw tabahkan la haty ku untk menjalani setiap ujianmu. sesungguhnye hambamu ini adalah insan yg lemah dan tidak berdaya. "
" ya Allah, andai dy bukn jodohku kau hapuskanlah perasaan ini. kau berikan lah aq jodoh yg beriman dan beramal soleh dan yg dapat membimbing aq untuk mencintaimu ya allah. "
this post myB tooo sentimental 4 some people. but to me, its my courage.
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