Sunday, May 19, 2013
cheese written by cik qwerty.. :)
second novel yg cek nk kongsi.. hehe.. ha yg ni novel bru.. best jgak (kalau x best x kan la nak kongsi ngn korg kan? hehe)
so basicly.. novel ni about love.. kalau org yg suke bce nove psl cinta yg comel-comel kiut miut yg bole buat x tidur mlm sbb nak habeskan bce novel sile lah bce ( plus bole buat korg senyum nagis and gelak sorg2).. hehehe.. aq bce dlm 1 hari je.. and then sape2 yg bace tu mesti rse nak llki mcm Adi Ashq tu.. SERIOUSLY!! because dy sangattttttttttt sweet.... and dy sgt penyabar... wooo.. if in realiti dlm suami mcm tu gerenti rumah tangga aman permai ( but ofcos la si isteri pon jgn keras kple sgt.. sbb syurga isteri still bwah kaki suami.. hehe )..
lg 1 yg best psl novel ni is about friendship.. sbb dlm dunia ni mmg senangggggggggggg sgt kite nak cari kawan... tapi nak cari SAHABAT tu difficult gile.. ape beze KAWAN and SAHABAT ek?? try to be in the bottom of your life and look who still be there... Sahabat tu akan ada dlm ssh and senang and dy TAK PERNAH bia korang nangis sorg2.. IF korg jumpa sahabat tu.. PLEASE treasure dy.. :D
so.. tu je lahhh.. nak thu lebey2 sile lah beli ke pinjam ke novel ni.. tp jgn jd org da pinjam x reti pulang.. hehhehehehe...
(p/s: have a nice weekend everybody!!! )
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