him who i had loved.. terima kasih utk kenangan.. it makes me stronger.. I'll let you go now.. please be happy with her.. i'm sorry for what i had done either realized it or not.. :) i'm happy that you happy now.. and i'm happy that i can let you go..
"A new day gives a new chance, a new day gives a new hope, a new day gives you a new chance and hope to find happiness. move on and chase you happiness, beauty"- quote in sandal bungga2 by faziela.-
new day finally.. :) lega rasanya bila dapat memaafkan org dgn seikhlas hati...

Wednesday, May 29, 2013
Sunday, May 26, 2013
marah geram sedeh.. that what i felt yesterday. hari ni baru dpt nak luah kat sini kan. sbb kalau nak cter pon x thu nak cter spe.. ape perasaan ek bila kita jemput kawan kita dtg kenduri kite and dalam 10 org yg kita ajak tu sorg je yg dtg. sorg je. SEORANG SAHAJA!!!!!!!! if aq jemput last minute x pe lah kalau xnak dtg.. ni aq dah jemput awal2.. and the best part is sume ader alasan tersendiri ek? ohh HOW NICE OF THEM!!!!! kalau rumah msing2 jauh beribu batu tu xde lah aq nak jemput.. ni rumah dekat je.. if korg dtg pkl 10 pon and datang TOLONG MAKAN je pon aq x kesah lahhhhhh... but what did i get? haha. so nice huh? and yg sorg dtg tu pon nsb baik dia dtg sbb dy baru balik dr mlaka the day before.. if dy pon x dtg??? (AND SERIOUSLY aq sangat terharu dy datang. that a lot girl! ) GET WHAT I MEANT?? and HONESTLY lepas ni if sape2 tnye psl open house or kenduri or what so ever dekat rumah aq.. YOU JUST PULL THE TRIGGER!!
Monday, May 20, 2013
sudikah awk..
salam.. hye korang.. ni nak share something nie.. td saja2 dok godeh youtube tu then terjumpa video nie.. may be ramai kot diantara korg yg dah lama tau psl video nie.. yg x berapa nak thu kewujudan video ni mcm saya.. meyh kita tgk sat nak?? x lama pon.. 6minit lebih ja ha.. ^^
haa.. da tgk dak?? ngee.. so apa yg hangpa dapat dari video ni? hopefully dapat la something ye.. bagi mereka2 yg gatai macam cek ni.. nak kongsi something...
1)bila kite tgk org berkapel.. ader x terlintas dlm hati... jelesnya tgk org tu kpel.. pi mana2 ada org dok teman.. kalau dok tgk cerita hindustan sampai menangis kuar hinggus tu ha ader org pujuk.. walhal aq nak tnya something... apa yg beza antara KAWAN LELAKI / PEREMPUAN (kire mcm bff lah nie. ^^ ) dgn KAPEL LELAKI / PEREMPUAN? hehe..
2) bila kite tgk org dah kawen... wahhh.. bestnya kawin.. nak kawen gakkk (ni slalu jd kat aq la.. gatal sgt kann.. hahhaa.. blajar pon x habes lg.. duit mak bapak pon x balas lg da pikir nak kwen.. cehhh apa2 la hang ni ziqa.. ) tapi... sedia ke kite nak kawen? kawen tu mmg la senang.. nak pikul tanggung jawab tu susah kan syg2? tanggungjawab sebagai seorg anak pon x betul lg.. (bg aq laahhh.. kalau korg rase korg ok bgus lahh)...
so... just nak ckp.. bg awak2 yg mcm saya.. yg jeles tgk org lain ader kpel.. yg jeles tgk org lain da kawen.. ckp dekat diri sendiri... setiap makluk tu Allah jadikan berpasangan.. just tgu cepat atau lambat... it work.. because i'm doing it all the time.. bila sy jeles dgn kawan2 saya,.. i done that.. ^^
p/s: i'm only 21.. so post ni kne dgn mereka2 yg lbey kurang umur sye lah ye.. kalau yg dah berkerjaya and yg dah complete sume tu doalah supaya anda didekatkan dgn jodoh anda.. In Sha Allah DIA maha mengetahui..
haa.. da tgk dak?? ngee.. so apa yg hangpa dapat dari video ni? hopefully dapat la something ye.. bagi mereka2 yg gatai macam cek ni.. nak kongsi something...
1)bila kite tgk org berkapel.. ader x terlintas dlm hati... jelesnya tgk org tu kpel.. pi mana2 ada org dok teman.. kalau dok tgk cerita hindustan sampai menangis kuar hinggus tu ha ader org pujuk.. walhal aq nak tnya something... apa yg beza antara KAWAN LELAKI / PEREMPUAN (kire mcm bff lah nie. ^^ ) dgn KAPEL LELAKI / PEREMPUAN? hehe..
2) bila kite tgk org dah kawen... wahhh.. bestnya kawin.. nak kawen gakkk (ni slalu jd kat aq la.. gatal sgt kann.. hahhaa.. blajar pon x habes lg.. duit mak bapak pon x balas lg da pikir nak kwen.. cehhh apa2 la hang ni ziqa.. ) tapi... sedia ke kite nak kawen? kawen tu mmg la senang.. nak pikul tanggung jawab tu susah kan syg2? tanggungjawab sebagai seorg anak pon x betul lg.. (bg aq laahhh.. kalau korg rase korg ok bgus lahh)...
so... just nak ckp.. bg awak2 yg mcm saya.. yg jeles tgk org lain ader kpel.. yg jeles tgk org lain da kawen.. ckp dekat diri sendiri... setiap makluk tu Allah jadikan berpasangan.. just tgu cepat atau lambat... it work.. because i'm doing it all the time.. bila sy jeles dgn kawan2 saya,.. i done that.. ^^
p/s: i'm only 21.. so post ni kne dgn mereka2 yg lbey kurang umur sye lah ye.. kalau yg dah berkerjaya and yg dah complete sume tu doalah supaya anda didekatkan dgn jodoh anda.. In Sha Allah DIA maha mengetahui..
no caption.
man with a hungry face is so cute..
man with a tired face is so annoying..
man with a patient face waiting for someone is so cool..
man with a angry face we should not near..
man with a tired face is so annoying..
man with a patient face waiting for someone is so cool..
man with a angry face we should not near..
Sunday, May 19, 2013
a day with a bright smile. :) (buying new novel. haha !! )
yeay!! hari ni terlepas kandang kejap.. hahhaa.. poyoss sungguh ayat kan?? nope la.. tp dapat hangout dgn my friend.. ANDDDD the best part is~~~~ sye beli novel baru!!!!! hahaha.. (gelak bahagia).. kesian mangsa yg menjadi peneman beli novel tu..( but sadly dy x suke amek gamba.. so xde gamba dy... hahha) ha,.. bru tahu kalau teman org gile novel mcm mne.. ngehh ngehh ngehh (gelak jahat ).. and then kitorang pergi tgl wayang skali.. STAR TREK INTO THE DARKNESS... best!! action.. x rugi kot korg bayar mahal utk tgk cerita tu... 2 hours gak lah duration dia... ^^ here some pic.. :D
ni la cter yg kitorg tgk. quality gamba x memuaskan. marah sama camera man. =.='
next movie in the list. haha. can't wait. dah buat appointment dah.
tara~~!!!!! 3 buah je mampu beli kali ni.. :( tu pon kalau bole nak amek 4 td..
finish the day with steamboat as our dinner.. :)
cheese written by cik qwerty.. :)
second novel yg cek nk kongsi.. hehe.. ha yg ni novel bru.. best jgak (kalau x best x kan la nak kongsi ngn korg kan? hehe)
so basicly.. novel ni about love.. kalau org yg suke bce nove psl cinta yg comel-comel kiut miut yg bole buat x tidur mlm sbb nak habeskan bce novel sile lah bce ( plus bole buat korg senyum nagis and gelak sorg2).. hehehe.. aq bce dlm 1 hari je.. and then sape2 yg bace tu mesti rse nak llki mcm Adi Ashq tu.. SERIOUSLY!! because dy sangattttttttttt sweet.... and dy sgt penyabar... wooo.. if in realiti dlm suami mcm tu gerenti rumah tangga aman permai ( but ofcos la si isteri pon jgn keras kple sgt.. sbb syurga isteri still bwah kaki suami.. hehe )..
lg 1 yg best psl novel ni is about friendship.. sbb dlm dunia ni mmg senangggggggggggg sgt kite nak cari kawan... tapi nak cari SAHABAT tu difficult gile.. ape beze KAWAN and SAHABAT ek?? try to be in the bottom of your life and look who still be there... Sahabat tu akan ada dlm ssh and senang and dy TAK PERNAH bia korang nangis sorg2.. IF korg jumpa sahabat tu.. PLEASE treasure dy.. :D
so.. tu je lahhh.. nak thu lebey2 sile lah beli ke pinjam ke novel ni.. tp jgn jd org da pinjam x reti pulang.. hehhehehehe...
(p/s: have a nice weekend everybody!!! )
Saturday, May 18, 2013
crying for no reason.. :'(
this post is not about anyone.. it just about me.. myself.. my life.. just a luahan hati yg xde org nak bace pon x pe.. heheh..(bajek ader org nak bce je kan..).. pernah x all of the sudden anda rase mcm hopeless sgt.. you crying without a reason.. pelik + ajaib kan? haha.. i know... bila org cakap pon i wouldn't believe him or her.. tp tu yg jadi smlm.. rse mcm xde mood sgt.. depress maybe? but about what? tapi bila bangun pg ni dah oke dah. dah bole gelak2 kutok2 org.. and then i'm think again.. why did i cried yesterday? tp nak thu something x? bgun tidur td nenek call.. dia kata ader relative kitorg yg meninggal (al-fatihah).. but sy x knl pon arwah tu.. tp of course la my parent knl kan? so i just wondering.. ader kaitan ke dgn sye menangis tetibe smalam?? hemm.. a BIG QUESTION MARK there.. but anyway... if kite rase hopeless sgt meet HIM.. recite Quran.. you will find peace there.. In sha Allah..
first novel- Ikhlas A.K written by Nirrosette ~~ ( hidayah comes in very special ways..)
taraaa.~~ oke da jnji kan nak update psl novel.. so first novel is novel kat atas ni lah.. novel ni dah lme.. mayBe ramai yg dah bce.. and kalau belum sile lah bce..( bukan promote tp nak kongsi).. tp x de la lme sgt tp x thu la ader lg x kat kedai2 buku tu~~.. dy punye writer dtg dr negara singa ( jiran je dgn negeri sye. hik2! ).. but gaya penceritaan dy oke je mcm writer kat malaysia ni.. sempoi lah bace novel nie..
orait.. so basicly dr ape yg sye paham lah kan (kalau org lain paham lain tataw la. pandangan msing2.. hehehe..) novel ni menceritakan tentang seorg girl yg kurang basic psl agama in love dgn seorg "ustaz" kat tempat blajar dy tu.. (ops.. ni bukan mcm novel "suami aq ustaz" tu ye.. if korg penah bce la).. you know Allah gives us Hidayah in a special ways.. antara kite sbg hambanya sedar atau x.. bg aq.. rse suke kaseh pd adam tu Allah terbitkan sbb nak kaseh tu igt DIA.. mmg la true kaseh changed because of adam but if she like herself now and rse ikhlas kerana Allah tu akan dtg kan? contohlah.. mse kecik2 kite smyang sbb takot kne rotan dgn ayah kite,. but bila kite dah ader akal benda tu da jd kebiasaan and kite trus solat sbb tahu tu kewajipan kita kan? most people (oke melayu la sng ckp) lahir as a islam. but are we live as a muslim? ( peringatn utk diri ini jgak)
so... this is a love story but it makes me think about my self.. and best utk korg bace ble ader mse2 lapang yg tataw nak buat ape tuhh.. hehehe... meyh sy quote siket dialog or ayat dlm novel nie..
" I don't mind you guiding her. Tapi bukan the other way round. Jangan Adam yg kena heret toward neraka"
"Orang kata, opposite attract. Bad girls go for good guys. True much? Tp jnji Tuhan jgn kita lupa. A good women is for a good man and vise versa seperti dlm surah An-nur ayat 26"
p/s: nak husband cm Adam sorg bole x? hehehe
Friday, May 17, 2013
i told you because i care...
salam magrib semua..
oke ni post kedua utk hari ni. over x? haha. 2 tahun x menulis pastu buat post 1 hari sampai 2 kali.. poyosss bebenorrr kan.. heheee.. ok just nak kongsi sebenarnya.. firstly maaff anai ader sesape yg terase.. kne mintak maaf awal2.. hehe..
ok mcm ni... i know mostly korg ramai yg berkapel kan? tp please... jgn tunjuk smpai awk nak bg thu seluruh dunia yg awak bahgia dgn pkwe awk tu (sbb awk baru kpel syg. kpel bole ptus if x jaga kan? ).. cukuplah sekadar awk dan dy tahu.. kalau awk nk tulis kat fb or lman sosial lain x payah nak tag name dy (bacause i know if he or she care about you he will know that post is for u).. bukan ape.. sbb sy sygg awk2 sume sy bg thu.. sbb nnt bila awk gaduh or ptus dgn dy and awk maki hamun dy kat fb or laman sosoal lain awk yg malu.. kan?
sy thu most of you happy dgn pasangan masing2 and i wish u all the best (kawin jgn lupe jemput. hehhe..).. someone pernah ckp kat sye.. menyayangi seseorg jgn terlalu.. membnci seseorg jgn terlalu.. andai suatu hari nanti perkara sebaliknya berlaku anda tidak sakit yg terlalu.. :)
that all.. have a nice day kawan2.. :)
(p/s: insyaallah esok rsenye mule kot nk buat entry psl novel2 kesayangan. hehe)
oke ni post kedua utk hari ni. over x? haha. 2 tahun x menulis pastu buat post 1 hari sampai 2 kali.. poyosss bebenorrr kan.. heheee.. ok just nak kongsi sebenarnya.. firstly maaff anai ader sesape yg terase.. kne mintak maaf awal2.. hehe..
ok mcm ni... i know mostly korg ramai yg berkapel kan? tp please... jgn tunjuk smpai awk nak bg thu seluruh dunia yg awak bahgia dgn pkwe awk tu (sbb awk baru kpel syg. kpel bole ptus if x jaga kan? ).. cukuplah sekadar awk dan dy tahu.. kalau awk nk tulis kat fb or lman sosial lain x payah nak tag name dy (bacause i know if he or she care about you he will know that post is for u).. bukan ape.. sbb sy sygg awk2 sume sy bg thu.. sbb nnt bila awk gaduh or ptus dgn dy and awk maki hamun dy kat fb or laman sosoal lain awk yg malu.. kan?
sy thu most of you happy dgn pasangan masing2 and i wish u all the best (kawin jgn lupe jemput. hehhe..).. someone pernah ckp kat sye.. menyayangi seseorg jgn terlalu.. membnci seseorg jgn terlalu.. andai suatu hari nanti perkara sebaliknya berlaku anda tidak sakit yg terlalu.. :)
that all.. have a nice day kawan2.. :)
(p/s: insyaallah esok rsenye mule kot nk buat entry psl novel2 kesayangan. hehe)
our first entry after so many yearssss
ya allah berhabuknyeeeeeeeee blog nie.. last post tahun bile tah.. ha 2011.. haha.. gile x nak dekat 2 tahun bru bukak.. kan.. dah la tetibe bukak pastu nak bebel bukan2 and panjang2.. ngeee.. sorie.. biane~~ ( bajek mcm ader org nak bce pulak blog ko nie kan ziqa) hahaa.. so.~~ 3 years has past.. sijil diploma berjaya dihabeskan even pointer xde lah gempak mne cm org2 yg dapat empat rata tu kan (ok sile jgn jeles., sape suruh awk pemalas nak study cik ziqa) ^^
so nak ckp Alhamdulilah syukir akhirnya berjaya jgak and sekarang ni menjadi penanam anggur yg berjaya... hehee.. next step degree pulak.. hopefully berjaya lahh.. hurmm.. kuatnye persaingan skrg ni... anyway.. hope sesape je hamba allah yg membaa post ni doakan yg terbaik k.. :) till next time.. :)
so nak ckp Alhamdulilah syukir akhirnya berjaya jgak and sekarang ni menjadi penanam anggur yg berjaya... hehee.. next step degree pulak.. hopefully berjaya lahh.. hurmm.. kuatnye persaingan skrg ni... anyway.. hope sesape je hamba allah yg membaa post ni doakan yg terbaik k.. :) till next time.. :)
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