Thursday, October 14, 2010

no title

salam kpd semua...

dah lme x meng'update' blog kesayangan..rindu la plak..hehhee..hurmm..skrg musim exam+test+kuiz= ketensionan tahap ngaban..haha..okehh..bake to coretan haty..hehe..

couple is trouble?? agree??

i'm agree..sgt trouble..moreover bg mereke2 yg nk final..if something happen pd korg punye relationship pd saat2 akhir cmne?? adekah korg ley trime sumenye tanpa ape2 effect?? but.. there a but..for me sometime couple can bring ur self a courage to be more than what u can be..he / she can act as a catalyst to u..agree?? for example.. if korg 1 kelas @ 1 unvsity mst r korg nk berjye sme2 kan? ofcourse someone will be jelous if his / hers partner getting a goooood result..hence, u two will be study together n try to fight one another..right?? but remember...its a healthy fight okehh..

other than that, our partner can be someone that we share our prob, happiness other than our fam..but u must remember!!! family is our priority!!!!! but.. sometimes.. we sure need someone that not our fam but closed to us.. for me.. couple is like a best friend..we share everything( not tooo everything oke) with him/her...

that is the good side of couple 4 me..

but we must remember..out biggest love is to allah.. when we find allah love then our love will find us..insyallah..there is no true love except allah love..

there is a phase that i want to share...

kalaw anda mahu melihat cinta yg suci..
lihatlah pd embun di subuh hary..
jika anda mahu melihat cinta yg sejati..
lihatlah pd bulan da matahari...
jika anda ingin melihat cinta yg hakiki..
lihatlah pd diri sendiri...

*bgaimana allah menciptakan manusia ini paling sempurna diantara semua makluknye..itu merupakan salah satu cin n kasih syg allah kpd kita..= )


  1. Agree. Ilmiah lah kau ni. Eceh eceh padahal aku yang selalu tulis merepek tak ilmiah langsung. HAHA. Btw, u have to be strong. Relationship ni mmg susah. Sometimes single lagi best pada aku. Cuma kena tabah jelah tgk couple-couple lain. U'll awlways have me. Chill!

  2. hahaha..tgh try to be strong la nie dear.. manyak sshhhh r..someone reject us bcoz we are fat..but i have u girlllsssss righto?? hehehe... but blog aq kat atas nie merupakn sbb knpe aq nk kpel sbnrnye.. sje je nk berkongsi..:D


bebelan pembaca..:D