is it so easy to find love? just as easy as you say 1 2 3?
if not.. why would i see some of them found it so easy.. or too easy if i may say..
is it because of look? or is it because of personality? they say, "don't judge a book by its cover" . but when we buy books, cover is the first thing that we look. so is the phase true?? or can it be implement in today's life? but we should remember one thing..
even if the cover of the book is capturing, if the synopsis is not interesting, we will not buy it. isn't it?? so.. keep in mind, cover isn't everything that makes a book interesting. how u told the whole story about the book might change a person heart. look upon both please. cause u might lose a chance of reading an interesting book if u not. :)

Friday, January 24, 2014
Tuesday, January 21, 2014
perhaps the last post for him. :)
salam alaik..
Alhamdulilah alhamdulilah alhamdulilah. Berakhir sudah segala exam pd semester 1 ni. Dah berusaha. Sekarang tgl berikhtiar dan bertawakal saja. Moga2 segala usaha berbaloi. Lulus dgn cemerlang hendaknya. Amiinn.
pelan cuti ni? xda pon. sedih la sbb kita cuti time org keja and skolah. so duduk rumah jd driver kepada si adik sengal je lah. tp nak buat mcm mne kan. msing2 sume ader tanggungjawab yg tersendiri. :D
ingin bercerita..
rasanya semalam cukup memalukan diri buat kali yg ke sejuta. dan mungkin yg terakhir? mungkin. hehe. it need courage u know. to confess to someone. but sure do, aq xde lah cakap word "aq suka kau". sgt klishe. i use my own word. And now I know that he know. And perhaps he will never be open to me any more. PERHAPS. but still. JODOH PERTEMUAN, AJAL DAN MAUT ITU RAHSIA ILLAHI. kalau ditolak. mungkin bukan dia jodoh yg terbaik. we need to give up on something to gain something in return. Once u become someone else then i have to give up. And always pray for your happiness. Insyaallah. HE knows best for HIS creation. so perhaps. this is the last post i wrote about u. and let time to make it's moves. half-year has gone. how time flies. i told u i'll wait until u graduate isn't it?
Alhamdulilah alhamdulilah alhamdulilah. Berakhir sudah segala exam pd semester 1 ni. Dah berusaha. Sekarang tgl berikhtiar dan bertawakal saja. Moga2 segala usaha berbaloi. Lulus dgn cemerlang hendaknya. Amiinn.
pelan cuti ni? xda pon. sedih la sbb kita cuti time org keja and skolah. so duduk rumah jd driver kepada si adik sengal je lah. tp nak buat mcm mne kan. msing2 sume ader tanggungjawab yg tersendiri. :D
ingin bercerita..
rasanya semalam cukup memalukan diri buat kali yg ke sejuta. dan mungkin yg terakhir? mungkin. hehe. it need courage u know. to confess to someone. but sure do, aq xde lah cakap word "aq suka kau". sgt klishe. i use my own word. And now I know that he know. And perhaps he will never be open to me any more. PERHAPS. but still. JODOH PERTEMUAN, AJAL DAN MAUT ITU RAHSIA ILLAHI. kalau ditolak. mungkin bukan dia jodoh yg terbaik. we need to give up on something to gain something in return. Once u become someone else then i have to give up. And always pray for your happiness. Insyaallah. HE knows best for HIS creation. so perhaps. this is the last post i wrote about u. and let time to make it's moves. half-year has gone. how time flies. i told u i'll wait until u graduate isn't it?
Friday, January 17, 2014
dear you~
dear you~
how did i ever could stop admiring you? when all my question you answer it by making me back to HIM? your answer always have its massage. could i please continued admiring you from a far? cause i know you would never see me more than a friend unless HE say you are my other half.
can't a girl make the moves first? cause i'm not ashamed of it. can i? i thank you for being my catalyst. did you understand the meaning behind that? or not? but still. thank you for being my friend and my catalyst.
how did i ever could stop admiring you? when all my question you answer it by making me back to HIM? your answer always have its massage. could i please continued admiring you from a far? cause i know you would never see me more than a friend unless HE say you are my other half.
can't a girl make the moves first? cause i'm not ashamed of it. can i? i thank you for being my catalyst. did you understand the meaning behind that? or not? but still. thank you for being my friend and my catalyst.
Saturday, January 11, 2014
soal hati. soal pelajar. :)
lama nya x menulis. lamanya x meluahkan rasa hati. lamanya x bercerita tentang si pencinta dlm diam. pencinta ke? hahaa.
bermula episode baru dlm kehidupan. bermula kerjaya sbg peljar deg. hampir berakhir semester pertama. dugaan? cabaran? pasti ada. bukan menuntut ilmu namanya kalau xde susah dan payah. tapi alhamdulilah. mereka di sekeling bnyak membantu. doa dan restu ibu ayah penguat semangat utk tidak berputus asa di tngah jalan. DIA yg diatas selalu ada takala hati ini gusar. menangis dah bercerita padaNYA pasti ada jalannya. meminta lah. tentang apa pun. namun, jangan seperti org bodoh yg tidak reti berusaha. itu digelar pemalas. tiada apa yg mudah. dan tiada apa yg susah. semuannya usaha. hasil? berserah.
satu subjek lagi. bersabarlah wahai hati.
apa cerita tentang si dia? entah? masih menyukai dlm sepi? tentulah. mengapa x cuba merapati? kerana hati mudah tersentuh. kerana niat mudah melencong. tak usaha ke? ada. berdoa. salah satu usaha bukan? moga si dia selalu dirahmati.dua tahun lagi. kenapa 2 tahun? x lama ke? lama. tapi membalas jasa ibu ayah memberi segulung ijazah dlm bidang kimia lagilah penting dr soal hati. diri msih kanak2. yg perlu lebih bnyak pengalaman. andai bukan jodoh satu hari nnt. aq redha. tapi sekarang. ckuplah dgn berdoa.
take care. :)
bermula episode baru dlm kehidupan. bermula kerjaya sbg peljar deg. hampir berakhir semester pertama. dugaan? cabaran? pasti ada. bukan menuntut ilmu namanya kalau xde susah dan payah. tapi alhamdulilah. mereka di sekeling bnyak membantu. doa dan restu ibu ayah penguat semangat utk tidak berputus asa di tngah jalan. DIA yg diatas selalu ada takala hati ini gusar. menangis dah bercerita padaNYA pasti ada jalannya. meminta lah. tentang apa pun. namun, jangan seperti org bodoh yg tidak reti berusaha. itu digelar pemalas. tiada apa yg mudah. dan tiada apa yg susah. semuannya usaha. hasil? berserah.
satu subjek lagi. bersabarlah wahai hati.
apa cerita tentang si dia? entah? masih menyukai dlm sepi? tentulah. mengapa x cuba merapati? kerana hati mudah tersentuh. kerana niat mudah melencong. tak usaha ke? ada. berdoa. salah satu usaha bukan? moga si dia selalu dirahmati.dua tahun lagi. kenapa 2 tahun? x lama ke? lama. tapi membalas jasa ibu ayah memberi segulung ijazah dlm bidang kimia lagilah penting dr soal hati. diri msih kanak2. yg perlu lebih bnyak pengalaman. andai bukan jodoh satu hari nnt. aq redha. tapi sekarang. ckuplah dgn berdoa.
take care. :)
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